Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sabbath School Lesson Questions 20 DEC 2011

Gal 5:1-15

1.       In Galatians chapter 3 Paul proclaims that the Law received 430 years after the promise does not invalidate the promise.  Why does Paul tie the Law into the issue of circumcision?

2.       What does Paul say in Galatians 5:2-4 regarding those who return to the Law by means of circumcision?

3.       Is circumcision the only means to bind oneself under the Law? Gal  3:10  What other means bind us under Law?

4.       Paul often refers to the flesh as works that are contrary to the Law; why does Paul link the flesh to the Law? Gal 4:23-24

5.       What does Paul ask the Galatians who were returning to being bound under the Law? Gal 3:3

6.       According to Paul is it possible to be perfected by the keeping of the Law? 

7.       Moreover is perfection measured by the keeping of the Law?  How does the answer relate to Gal 5:11?

8.       If Christ sets us free are we free to do what we want?  What truly is Gospel freedom?

9.       Is the work of the Spirit now in us manifested by our means or by His?  Is the work of the Spirit bound under Law?

10.   What happens when we start measuring one another by the Law? Gal 5:15

11.   Is a theology based upon a legal process Biblical?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sabbath School Lesson Questions 3 DEC 2011

Gal 4:21-31

1.       In last week’s lesson how is strength and weakness defined by those of the world and the false brethren compared to Paul and the Galatians when they received Paul?

2.       How do those of the world treat those who are weak?  How did the Galatians treat Paul when they received him?

3.       Who does Paul refer to as being persecuted in Gal 4:29?  Who did the persecuting?

4.       According to Paul in this passage, who is born of the flesh?  Who is born of the Spirit?

5.       Who does Paul allegorically associate to the flesh and to the Spirit?  What do these women represent?

6.       Upon what was the covenant at Sinai based on?(Gal 4:25) Upon what is the Jerusalem above based? (Gal 4:26)

7.       Which covenant enslaves, which one frees?

8.       How do flesh and Spirit correspond to Law and Promise in regard to the two covenants?

9.       Who are we children of?  Who is sent away?

10.   Upon what do we rest our hope, our trust and our destiny?  Law or Promise?

11.   What will be fulfilled at the end of the age? Law or Promise?

12.   Who fulfills it, man or God?

13.   What does this reveal concerning the nature of Adam and Eve in Eden before the Fall?

14.   Can an asserted sovereign human will exist to accomplish the promises of God?  Why or why not?

15.   Ishmael represents Abram’s use of the flesh to accomplish the promise of God.  How do we re-insert the Law into God’s work of sanctification, atonement, and the second coming?  Is this application based on Law or Promise?  Flesh or Spirit?

16.   If sanctification is based upon Law restored by humanity at the end of the age then doesn’t Grace end since it is no longer required?  Did Grace exist in the beginning or was it created in response to man’s fall?