Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Weapon

Sometimes I am dirty, carbon hardened on my bolt, gritty lube in my receiver, and salty sweat on my buttstock.

Sometimes I am torn apart, laid out with all my filthy insides exposed, carefully cleaned, the hard scale meticulously chipped away.

Sometimes I am clean, with a light coat of oil, silent and unused, hanging on His gun rack.

Then there are those days He takes me into the trenches, for purposes I cannot perceive, in ways I could never imagine, with the precision and power that reveals His glory.

I am a weapon. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Gospel of Marriage

If the common understanding of marriage is founded on the vows people make, made sacred by the witness of God; then the foundation of the purported sacrament of marriage is the promise of a man testified by God.  However, if the foundation of a marriage is the promise of God to weave our hearts together and make us one, that no man can dissolve; it is man who testifies of what God has done and what He is doing.  This new understanding renders the first one not only obsolete but also blasphemous.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Razor

To be a true Conservative (or Right) means to preserve the the rule of Law no matter the considerations for situational attenuation; an application that (when evolved along its course) must adhere to the interpretation of the Conservative- others be damned.

 To be a true Liberal (or Left) means to break every notion of rule, Law, and pre-contractual solidarity upon the altar of Reason in order to liberate the true identity of man; an application that (when evolved along its course) must adhere to the interpretation of the Liberal- others be damned.

 In the end both destroy Liberty by imposing upon the world a version of reality by the power of Law or Reason . . . the Conservative and the Liberal are one and the same. The Liberal becomes a Law of themselves and the Conservative the only bearer of sound Reason.

 Both the Liberal and the Conservative must vanquish one last foe to attain ontological fulfillment. They must (by the power of Law and Reason) destroy God, and place themselves in His place.


The Image of God

How do I know my name is written in heaven? When the Love of God is poured through my heart into the vessel that completes me, inspiring the music that flows through her instrument- stirring my soul . . . I know the Kingdom of Heaven is here- even in me.