Friday, November 18, 2016

"Innocent Blood"

1.         What is the definition of innocent? 

2.         What definition of innocent applies to the phrase “innocent blood”?

3.         Based on Job 1:8 was there any doubt Job was innocent?

4.         What made Job innocent?

5.         How was Job’s legal status relevant to the message of the Book of Job?

6.         Understanding the folly of Job’s legal view of God’s justice when he wanted to take God to court to prove his innocence, how does Isaiah 53 illuminate the Gospel represented in Job 42:1-6?

7.         How does Paul’s rendition of Isaiah 53 in Philippians 2:5-11 link us with Christ?

8.         How does Paul link Faith and Hope in Hebrews 11:1? ὑπόστασις- guarantee/assurance

9.         How does he link them to Love in 1 Corinthians 13?

10.       Why is Love the greatest?

11.       What is the relationship between the words “test/tested” and “approved”?

12.       How does this understanding of “test” and “approve” illuminate Romans 5:1-5?

13.       How does Paul expand upon Romans 5 in 1 Corinthians 3:5-15?  What comes through the fire and what does not?

14.       Did Paul think his legal status (blameless) was sufficient?  Philippians 3:4-7 ζημίαν- transactional loss

15.       Based on the message of the Book of Job, and the messages of Paul, is innocent blood sufficient for salvation?

16.       Was Christ’s death on the cross a transaction or a revelation?

Christ does not say, “This is life”; He said, “I am the life.”

Sunday, November 13, 2016

SS Lesson 15 OCT 2016

  1. Did contemporary tradition believe Job's righteousness merited his prosperity?
  2. Was Job's prosperity a matter of cosmic justice?
  3. What was Satan's hypothesis about Job?  Job 2:3, Job 40:8
  4. How does Satan’s premise represented by the phrase, “skin for skin” (Job 2:4) relate to Christ’s statement in Luke 17:33?
  5. Was Satan contending that Job would contest his unjust adversity?  Job 13:18, 16:21, 19:6-7, 23:3-7, 27:6, 31:6
  6. Why would God lead Satan into this allegation?  Job 40:8
  7. How is God's justice fundamentally different than Satan's and ours?
  8. Was Job’s deliverance based on his blamelessness before God?  Job 42:1-6
  9. What did Job discover that was, “too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”  Job 42:3
  10. Job knew about legal righteousness before his encounter, but what did he know about Grace and the Gospel?

Sabbath School 17 SEP 2016

  1. What was the message of Jeremiah chapter 29?  (Verse 7)
  2. How can we relate to this message?
  3. What are some examples of urban evangelism in scripture?
  4. What do they have in common?
  5. John 6:52-57, 7:1-9, 8:43-44, what was Christ's view of publicity?
  6. Why did people come to Jesus?
  7. How does His common response explain their healing?
  8. What does Ephesians 2:8-9 tell us about faith?
  9. Matthew 16:13-18  What did Christ mean when He said, “flesh and blood did not reveal this to you”?
  10. What then is the rock Christ builds His church upon?
  11. How would you describe modern urban culture?
  12. What appeal does the Spirit hold for urban culture?  Why?
  13. What do we do to the Gospel when we attempt to make it appealing to urban multiculturalism?
  14. So how are we to go out and make disciples out from all nations?

SS Lesson 22 OCT 2016

  1. What is the foundational difference between creationism and naturalism?  Rom 1:21-23
  2. Upon what premise does naturalism depend to explain the origins of life?
  3. Why is law asserted as the premise for naturalism?
  4. Upon what premise does creationism depend to explain the origins of life?
  5. How does Paul explain the creative nature of God’s word?  Hebrews 11:3-4
  6. Why did Paul use Cain and Abel as an analogy to faith, creation, and God’s word?
  7. What do the two offerings represent?
  8. How does Exodus 13:11-16 explain the message of Abel’s sacrifice?
  9. How does this explanation contrast the marks in Revelation 13:16?
  10. How are the marks of the beast like Cain’s offering?
  11. What do we assume about the premise of origins when we ask God why He allows suffering?
  12. How does the deliverance of Noah, of Lot, of the Israelites, and the redeemed at the final judgment explain Romans 3:1-4?  What is the context of Psalm 51:4?  
  13. What is the difference between the testimony of the Jews (or ours) of the truth and the will of God?
  14. Which is greater, our observation and codification of the truth we observe, or the truth itself?
  15. What is truth?

Jesus didn't say, "This is the truth", He said, "I am the truth."

2 Cor 3:7 But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, 8how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? 9For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory. 10For indeed what had glory, in this case has no glory because of the glory that surpasses it. 11For if that which fades away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.

Hebrews 8:13When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.