Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eager to Forgive (Jonah)

Eager to Forgive (Jonah)

Sabbath School May 11, 2013


1.       What was God's message for Jonah to speak?


2.       Was God bound by a covenant with Nineveh that He may hold them accountable and that they would know what ordinance they had transgressed?


3.       By what standard did the Ninevites convict themselves, that they should turn from their wicked ways and violence?


4.       Did God direct Jonah to convert Nineveh to Judaism?  Be circumcised?  Keep the Sabbath?  Eat only kosher foods?


5.       Why would the salvation of a Gentile people on the basis of fear-induced repentance anger Jonah?


6.       How does our sense of human justice paint our perception of Divine justice?


7.       What happens when we apply religious expectations to the work of God's salvation?


8.       How do we, like Jonah, denounce or hold in contempt those who are being saved on the basis of our own sense of divine justice and expectations?


9.       Luke 15:28-29  How did the older brother respond to Grace like Jonah?


10.   John 21:22  How did Peter apply his own relationship with Christ upon the other disciple?  How did Jesus respond?


11.   Jonah 4:1-5  Why did Jonah go out of the city?  What did he expect to happen?


12.   Jonah 4:6-8  How does Jonah respond to the will of God that brings comfort and discomfort?


13.   Jonah 4:9-11  Why do we cherish our skewed perception of Divine justice over the compassion of God's Grace?


14.   Do we value our understanding of "the truth" over the mercy God lavishes on sinners?

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