Saturday, June 28, 2014

SS Lesson 28 June 2014

1.       In Eden, did Adam live in the Kingdom of Heaven?
2.       How did Christ describe dominion or rule in the Kingdom of Heaven?  (Matthew 20:25-28, Luke 22:24-27)
3.       Therefore, in Eden what does dominion mean?
4.       When Adam asserted to be like God what kind of dominion did he assert?
5.       Who maintained sovereignty of Eden?  Who was cast out?  Who else was cast out of the kingdom of heaven?
6.       What is the difference between the land of Eden and the land outside Eden?
7.       What is the difference between the source of life in Eden and the source of life outside Eden?
8.       Which provides eternal life?
9.       What does the Tree of Life symbolize?
10.   Where did the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil lead Adam and Eve?
11.   With which of the two trees would Grace be associated?
12.   With which of the two trees would Law be associated?
13.   In reference to Corinthians 4:3-4 who does Paul identify as being veiled? (2 Cor 3:7, 13-15)
14.   What does Paul refer to as the ministry of death?  (2 Cor 3:7-11)
15.   Paul uses a contrasting parallel in 1 Cor 3:5-6.  What has God made us adequate for, by what means, and unto what end?  What source of adequacy is denied, what means to adequacy is denied, and what is the result for those who pursue such a deluded course?
16.   How does Paul contrast those who are veiled to those with unveiled faces (2 Cor 3:2-3)
17.   What is revealed behind the veil? (2 Cor 3:16-18)
18.   How does understanding the contrast between dominion in the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven help us understand Matthew 4:1-11?
19.   How is the Gospel revealed in Eden, 2 Cor 3, and the temptations of Christ?
20.   In regards to holding allegiance, what is the difference between submission and surrender?
21.   How does Christ describe how we show where our citizenship resides? (John 13:35)

22.   By what means is this citizenship revealed? (2 Cor 3:5-6)

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