Sunday, November 13, 2016

SS Lesson 22 OCT 2016

  1. What is the foundational difference between creationism and naturalism?  Rom 1:21-23
  2. Upon what premise does naturalism depend to explain the origins of life?
  3. Why is law asserted as the premise for naturalism?
  4. Upon what premise does creationism depend to explain the origins of life?
  5. How does Paul explain the creative nature of God’s word?  Hebrews 11:3-4
  6. Why did Paul use Cain and Abel as an analogy to faith, creation, and God’s word?
  7. What do the two offerings represent?
  8. How does Exodus 13:11-16 explain the message of Abel’s sacrifice?
  9. How does this explanation contrast the marks in Revelation 13:16?
  10. How are the marks of the beast like Cain’s offering?
  11. What do we assume about the premise of origins when we ask God why He allows suffering?
  12. How does the deliverance of Noah, of Lot, of the Israelites, and the redeemed at the final judgment explain Romans 3:1-4?  What is the context of Psalm 51:4?  
  13. What is the difference between the testimony of the Jews (or ours) of the truth and the will of God?
  14. Which is greater, our observation and codification of the truth we observe, or the truth itself?
  15. What is truth?

Jesus didn't say, "This is the truth", He said, "I am the truth."

2 Cor 3:7 But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, 8how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? 9For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory. 10For indeed what had glory, in this case has no glory because of the glory that surpasses it. 11For if that which fades away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.

Hebrews 8:13When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.

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