Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sabbath School Questions 26 NOV 2011


26 NOV 2011

Gal 4:12-20

1. To what were the Galatians re-enslaving themselves? What are the “elementary principles of the world”?

2. Does our knowledge of the world and of the Law, or even of the Gospel save us? 

3. What do the knowledge of the Law and the knowledge of the Gospel achieve?

4. Was Paul correcting knowledge or the Galatians’ disposition toward God?

5. What does our employment of knowledge accomplish for us?

6. How do the world and the false brethren perceive strength and weakness? How does Paul perceive strength and weakness?

7. How did the Galatians perceive strength and weakness when they received Paul? What does Paul beg of them to become?

8. How does the similarity between himself and the Galatians contribute to his perplexity regarding their following of the false brethren?

9. Why would Paul liken himself to them?

10. Does Paul treat them as lost?

11. How could Paul’s weakness in the flesh, when he first preached the Gospel to them, encourage the Galatians in their current condition?

12. Why does Paul say he is in labor with the Galatians “again”?

13. How does this shed light upon 1 John 2:1-2?

14. What Spirit was working in them when Paul first preached to the Galatians? What spirit is working in the Galatians now?

15. Who do the false brethren glorify? Who does Paul glorify?

16. Is this passage in Galatians 4 a matter of correct doctrine and proper execution/compliance; or is the issue contrasting the false brethrens’ deception of self-development to the Spirit’s work in revealing human futility that leads to surrender?

17. What is the “Law of Christ”? How does it relate to the “truth of the Gospel”? Gal 2:20

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